
Summer Wedding Invitations

Summer Wedding Invitations - Picking ideas for summer wedding invitations can be quite an easy task as there are so many brilliant ideas out there that you can use. From a simplistic, elegant design to something that is bold in its very appearance, there can be no end to the innovative ideas that you can use for wedding invitations. There are many different features that need to be paid attention to in a wedding invitation. We tell you what ideas you can use for every decision that you need to make.

Summer Wedding Invitations

Summer Wedding Invitations

Summer Wedding Invitations

Summer Wedding Invitations

Summer Wedding Invitations


For a summer wedding invitation, you need to choose a theme that matches the mood or the weather. Your invitation should be a reflection of those things that are synonymous with the weather. There are many different ideas that you can use to create summer themed wedding invitations. A popular theme, of course, is the beach which is probably the one place people look to for respite in the summers. Create invitations that have themes from the beach; starfish, shells, sand, water, they are all synonymous with the beach. Another great theme for summer wedding invitations is something to do with flowers and blooms. Use images of flowers as your background image or choose a plain background with images of blooms or petals highlighting the wording on the invitation.


Choosing the right colors for the invitation can be an important task. Of course, if you have already decided on a theme for the wedding, then this task can become quite easy as you can choose the colors accordingly. If you have decided to forgo a theme completely and have made a decision to stick to summer specific colors, then there are many colors that you can choose from. If you are aiming at a delicate invitation, then we suggest that you stick to pastel shades in pink, blue, yellow, or even a pristine, virginal white. If you want bolder colors associated with the summer sun, then orange, red, citrus green, turquoise, magenta, etc. are all great colors for the invitation.


While not many couples tend to pay attention to this, the fact of the matter is that the paper you use can in many ways reflect the mood of the wedding or in this case, the weather. There are many different types of papers available in the market that you can use for your invitation including vellum, bond paper, recycled paper, or handmade paper that have flowers pressed into them. Depending on how you want your invitation to look, you can choose a thin, delicate paper, or a thicker variety of paper.

